
Weitere Verantwortliche

Siegfried Penka - Sportlicher Leiter


Crypto Loans Borrow and Lend Cryptos Instantly

Withdrawal is available by card, wire transfer or Skrill. You can also use your balance to trade or buy cryptocurrency. To avoid liquidation, add more collateral or repay the loan. Liquity is a...

Windows phone app studio

Contents Windows Phone AppStudio Hands on LabsToolsMultiple FormsFormat Date TimeEasy Windows Phone Apps with Microsoft App Studio This is where you decide if you want your app to be available to others (the public – your future fans?), or if you want to keep it all...

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Folge 2 #002

Der Podcast vor dem Topspiel - Erster gegen Letzter... mit einem realistischen Fazit zum Start, über einen Neuzugang, den jüngsten "Skandal" und dem echten Start in die Liga